The Canadian fire alarm association established the fire alarm technician program during 1980’s. The students appeared for this exam for specialization on specific fire alarm system .various authorities all around the world has approved of this fire alarm technician program and is widely recognized worldwide. The individual who inspects evaluates and maintenance the fire alarm system is needed to be very qualified in their work. For such qualification you need to follow the technician certification which requires testing, documentation of work history recommendation of a senior. The CFFA was created to approve the Registered CFAA Trainee Technician program that comprises of five theory based courses. You have to be very much skilled at your work to be a registered CFAA Trainee.

How to get the grants?

To give the fire nicet alarm technician exam level 1 you have to be very well prepared as you have to answer 77 questions in 110 minutes. after passing the exams you have to work a lot for your nicet certificate too so it’s not that easy to clear all the levels but individuals who have patience get to the nicet certified To get yourself licensed the local or state jurisdiction grants the license which is required under the law for the performance of certain types of work. Once an individual completes the five levels of the theory based course, they can become the registered fire alarm technician trainee. CFFA exams have both theory and technical based exams to understand your level of work experiences.

Program structure of the exam

To complete the exam you have to go through these four levels of course the first one is the introduction to the fire detection and alarm industry the second is the verbal and written communication the third is basic electricity fourth is the life safety systems electronics last is the fire alarm system. These courses are available in many colleges in Canada and the courses should be complete as the order shown above. It is also recommended that the trainee complete at least 1500 work experience to ensure the knowledge of a fire alarm trainee.

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